Origin Story

 Bivvy Corp Founder, Anthony Malich, has observed the side effects of combat first-hand. Growing up with his uncle, friends, and other Veterans, Anthony saw the heartbreaking impact of combat related post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He wanted to do something to alleviate the suffering of those willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. Anthony has also witnessed the tragedy of homelessness. In this past year, a member of his family and one of his close childhood friends became homeless. It caught Anthony's attention that homeless people lack the ability to carry their belongings and keep them dry and safe from theft. U.S. veterans suffering from PTSD and other side-effects of combat and homelessness has moved Anthony to do something to help. That’s when he came up with Bivvy Cart  as a form of transitional homeless shelters. Anthony chose to help homeless Veterans first as a way to express gratitude for their service. 

Bivvy Corp

E: G1@Bivvycorp.us P: (408) 464-7029